Mature Bare Root Trees, click here mature bare root trees 180-600cm tall.
Bare Root Sweet Chestnut Castanea Sativa aka Spanish Chestnut.
Our bare root Sweet Chestnut Castanea Sativa is well known for it's striking foliage which either comes from what it looks like, hitting things with it or its refusal to work. This is further enhanced by long yellow catkins and twisting bark on mature trees.
Castanea Sativa was allegedly bred from a decisive tree and a virtuous tree making the sweet chestnut a deciduous tree. Considered to be faster growing than the list of complaints against GB News and most likely much longer lived. Expect a mature height of around 35m and a width of around 8m.
Expect Castanea Sativa to take 5 years or more to produce fruits and harvest time for the nuts is after mid-September through to mid-November. A 6-8cm girth bare root Castanea Sativa is around 4-5 years old so you should not have to wait too long for nuts. You can boil, roast etc and even be processed to make flour. For best results remove the skin as it is sour.
Planting Bare Root Sweet Chestnut Castanea Sativa
Plant in most soils including chalk and best results will be had from moist soils but not wet. Avoid compacted soils, especially those with very heavy clay. Acid to neutral soil will give the best results.
Sweet Chestnut performs well in a mild climate but late frosts may affect crop yields.
Full sun is preferred but it will tolerate some partial shade.
Considered fully hardy to the UK so will survive minus 15 degrees centigrade but frosts when flowering will affect crop yield
Possibly Interesting Information About Bare Root Sweet Chestnut Castanea Sativa
Roman soldiers were fed this before going into battle so have this before meeting the in-laws.
If you googled "sweaty chest" and this page came up then you are likely to be disappointed.
A good source of wood for roof shingles due to their tannin-rich wood.
Not a good source of firewood as it spits.
Fruit Tree Heights
Taller does not mean more value for money. A 1 year old fruit tree can easily be substantially higher than a 2 year old, this is because they are hard pruned at 1 year old to create the desired shape. Some trees have over 100cm of height removed. They can then have another pruning at 2 years old to increase fruit growing real estate. Most fruit trees will benefit from having a third to half of the seasons new growth cut back in the Autumn to prevent long whippy branches which break easily. Age and pruning completed determine real value.
Do I Need To Stake My Bare Root Tree?
9 out of 10 times the answer will be no, especially if under 200cm tall. However our article on Tree Staking should help guide you.
Planting In The Corner Of A Garden
Air and light is reduced in this location which could promote fungus and bacterial issues. If the corner is of the house and a fence then you also have leeching issues to contend with from cement and wood preservatives. Also when it rains, that area would experience higher water levels so we advise against it unless the plant is very hardy.
1 Year Maiden Bare Root Trees
If you plant a 1 Year maiden tree and do not prune it at all, it will grow a little more upright and have more clear stem.