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St Julien A Bush Grows to 3.5m  * default 
Pixy / VVA1 Grows to 3.0m (+£5.00)   
St. Julien A (Half Standard) Grows to 3.5m (+£5.00)   

All fruit trees certified virus free with a Limited 3 Year Fruit Tree Warranty.  Click here for our FREE FRUIT TREE OFFERAll basic pruning requirements completed before delivery.

Victoria Plum Options Explained

Pixy / VVA1 Grows to 3.0m: 150-180cm tall at delivery. 9-12L pot. Bush form, 2-3 years old.
St Julien A Bush Grows to 3.5m: 150-180cm tall at delivery. 9-12L pot. Bush form, 2-3 years old.
St. Julien A (Half Standard) Grows to 3.5m 150-180cm tall at delivery. 9-12L pot. Half Standard, 2-3 years old.

Victoria Plum
The Victoria Plum (Prunus domestica 'Victoria') was introduced in the 19th Century and named after Queen Victoria. The most widely known plum and consequently the biggest seller of all our plums. Victoria plums are an attractive oval shape, are a striking bright red colour at harvest time. A versatile plum, it is widely used as a dessert plum or for bottling and canning. A clean fruit, it can have a susceptibility to disease, however, this is tolerated given the quality and sheer quantity of fruit produced.

Month of Picking: Late-August

Type of Plum: Eating

Fertility: This plum is self-fertile so no other plum is required to produce fruit

This plum is in flowering period C3 in case you have a non-self-fertile plum tree that requires a pollination partner nearby. Victoria Plum will pollinate any other plum tree in flowering periods C2, C3 and C4.

Please choose which rootstock you require from the drop-down list below, this will determine the final height of the tree, otherwise, final heights can also be controlled by container size or pruning.

See What Our Customers Are Saying About Our Victoria Plum Tree
Dear Alan aka senior dogsbod, I am very pleased to be able to inform you that the *Victoria plum tree has arrived to my friend’s delight as it was a gift for her birthday. So clearly none of the potential disasters occurred on this occasion! I commend you for your diligence in alerting me to the possible delay to my order! 😂 Kind regards Di Pardoe PS Trees online sounds like a fun company!! 0720-26861
Dear Alan, Our three beautiful *(Victoria plum, Egremont Russet and Blenheim Orange) trees arrived yesterday and are today happily well planted. Thank you. You are a brilliant wordsmith, we really enjoyed reading your catalogue. We both feel lucky to be busy and distracted working as hospital docs, so have been in awe of people like yourselves who have had to change everything you do, and done it with optimism, energy and good humour. Dead impressed. Thank you. Kind regards Harry and Amanda Mc******n 0620-26350
Just a short note to say thank you for the excellent *Victoria Plum tree delivered today, good quality, prompt service, many thanks, Mike 0420-34605

All trees now arrived and safely in the soil Thankyou !I am going to order two more different types so hopefully they too will be grown soon. Best wishes Shirley 0818
Alan, Tree arrived today, perfect, thanks. Nick 0718
Recently bought 2 fruit trees from you, victoria plum and stella cherry, both on colt root stock, thrilled with the quality of them. David Armitage 0114
tree arrived in good time and in good condition ,thank you for a good service have good christmas , Ken Webster. 1214
i found business with you very good, delivery spot on and i love how you write your blogs. i struggle that i have no reciept to put through my business but i have my credit card reciept. i will endevor to send u pics as we are well pleased but like you eating and working on the hoof glad you bothered to follow up and i will use again and will put a very well done on your web site many thanks blackhut lake...editors note: invoices and receipts are available through your online account or we can email a copy on request. 0913

*Added for transparency and clarity.

Quick Fruit Tree Links
Take a look at our 
TOP SELLING FRUIT TREES, Wet ground issues then choose a PEAR TREE first, followed by APPLE TREES. For more information on pollination please look at  POLLINATION EXPLAINED or choosing the CORRECT POLLINATION PARTNER

Fruit Tree Life Expectancy
Most fruit trees will give you AT LEAST 40 years of fruit. Pears can go to 70. Records of 200 year old trees exist but this is the exception, not the rule.

Do I Need To Stake My Bare Root Fruit Tree?
9 out of 10 times the answer will be no, especially if under 200cm tall. However our article on Tree Staking should help guide you. 

Climate Change
Climate Change has increased aesthetic foliage issues such as Powdery Mildew, Shothole, Rust, frost damage etc These are not terminal issues and will usually last a season or less. All trees are inspected before being sent out to ensure they are fundamentally healthy and will bounce back. 

Planting In The Corner Of A Garden 
Air and light is reduced in this location which could promote fungus and bacterial issues. If the corner is of the house and a fence then you also have leeching issues to contend with from cement and wood preservatives. Also when it rains, that area would experience higher water levels so we advise against it unless the plant is very hardy. 

Fruit Tree Heights
Taller does not mean more value for money. A 1 year old fruit tree can easily be substantially higher than a 2 year old, this is because they are hard pruned at 1 year old to create the desired shape. Some trees have over 100cm of height removed. They can then have another pruning at 2 years old to increase fruit growing real estate. Most fruit trees will benefit from having a third to half of the seasons new growth cut back in the Autumn to prevent long whippy branches which break easily. Age and pruning completed determine real value. 

Plum Tree Rootstocks explained

The root stock options listed for your plum tree are made up from the options listed below. These generally tell you the shape and size of your mature plum tree.  

St Julien A: Roughly 45cm of clear stem and pruned to be more of a bush shape. Likely to flower more in the Spring. Expected final height of 3.6m. 
Pruned to be more of a bush shape. Expected final height of 3.0m. Considered semi-dwarf. 
St Julien A (Half Standard): 1m of clear trunk and pruned to be a traditional tree shape. Ideal for gardens as this allows you to easily cut the grass and companion plant underneath if desired. Expected final height of 3.6m. Considered semi-vigorous.
Bush: Side branches start much lower down the trunk giving more of a bush shape.  
V.VA1: Comparable to Pixy in terms of height and used by commercial growers. Final height around 2.5m. Ideal for small gardens.
3 Litre pots: 1-2 year old
7 Litre pots: A cheaper option but could be slightly thinner trunk and a little less developed due to roots being restricted. Generally 2 years old or more.
12 Litre pots: 2 years old or more.
Bare Root: Delivery from November to March only. Comes with roots exposed, no compost or pot. Much cheaper, must be planted before March and roots not allowed to dry out. 
Maiden: 1 year old, little side branches, used as "blank slate" for training e.g. Espallier, Fan etc.  

Important Plum Tree information

Plum fruit trees may not winter well if left in their containers and may die so you need to plant as soon as you get them especially if purchased between October and March. Keeping them protected in a heated conservatory or green house should solve this issue if you are not going to plant them. 

Mirabelle Plum Pollination
Technically speaking it is possible to use Mirabelle plum trees to pollinate standard plum trees but has more risk than using a standard plum tree. If your plum tree is self-fertile, this of course is not an issue.

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